Category : Go to Market

  • 10 Ways You’re Losing with Static Data

    Leadspace Customer Data Platform

    Sales and marketing teams rely on a myriad of customer data to do their jobs. Unfortunately, that data often leads to more problems than benefits because of its siloed, unstructured nature. Static data, which refers to data that does not change once it is created, has several inherent problems and limitations. Acquiring a variety of […]

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  • 10 Signs Your Buyer Data is Causing Problems for Sales & Marketing

    Leadspace customer data platform

    Recognizing signs that your customer data is causing problems for your sales and marketing teams and addressing them quickly is crucial for maintaining effective operations and achieving business goals with data-driven decision making. It all starts with high-quality data. Personalized campaigns, territory planning, lead routing, lead prioritization, cross sell/up sell, analysis, reporting, and the implementation […]

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  • 10 Benefits to Mapping Hierarchies Across Your Buyer Data

    Buyer data hierarchy

    If you’re part of a sales or marketing team, then you’re used to leveraging numerous systems full of people, company and account-level data in an attempt to decide where to focus your resources and effort – but how many of you have hierarchies mapped so that you can explore how your profiles for people and […]

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  • Leadspace MAPs: Identity Resolution for Companies & Hierarchies

    Leadspace company hierarchy

    As I’ve discussed in recent blogs, one of the main issues sales and marketing teams experience is not getting enough value from their data. Unfortunately, simply adding more data hasn’t been solving that issue. The reason for this lack of value is that customer or buyer data is naturally fragmented. The data comes in many […]

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  • Leadspace MAPs: The Fast Fix for Your Unproductive CRM

    Leadspace MAPS

    Sales and marketers are looking at buying groups instead of job titles alone. The buying power and functions of any job title isn’t universal between different companies. In order to identify who the decision makers are at a company, we need to understand the hierarchical structure of the company and either know or take educated guesses on whether the person is in corporate or which division someone is in.

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  • Forrester is Over – Don’t Go Back to Static Data!

    Last week our team had the privilege of attending the Forrester B2B Summit 2024 in Austin, Texas, and it was one heck of an experience. If you took the time to attend the event, odds are that you saw the Leadspace team hustling at our booth or across the show floor in our awesome shoes […]

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  • From Static To Dynamic: Data You Can Actually Use

    Leadspace dynamic data

    B2B Sales and Marketing teams, in particular, absolutely love buyer data – they depend on it to do their jobs! Unfortunately, most companies are failing to use it to its potential. The goal is usually to use buyer data to determine who might want their product, but a company’s data is often such a mess […]

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  • Identity Resolution: The Cornerstone of Your B2B Data Strategy

    Leadspace Identity Resolution

    Identity resolution is the unsung hero in GTM ROI. Fundamental to any sales & marketing endeavor is knowing who that buyer is – and what role they play in any buying team. It’s the difference between flying blind and flying smart.  Whether or not you have a strong identity resolution framework is the main factor […]

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  • Do You Really Need the Best Identity Resolution & Active Profiles Available?

    Leadspace identity resolution

    Answer: Of course you do! Sales & Marketing teams know that targeting customers with incomplete and siloed data is a complex process. Having a single, comprehensive view of your customer data in one place makes it significantly easier to effectively target the right people at the right time with personalized campaigns. Unfortunately, creating active, unified […]

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  • Are You Wasting Your Salespeople’s Time? Apply Weighted Engagement Scores in Marketing

    Leadspace b2b customer data platform, engagement scores

    An engagement scoring model is often the signature move for a demand generation team – and they’ve been around for a long time in the marketing world. Most campaign teams use them as a way to understand when a “lead” is ready to be routed to sales. Some teams use simple off-the-shelf models from their […]

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  • AI Persona Scoring – When Job Title Guesswork Doesn’t Work

    Leadspace persona score

    A persona refers to a representation of a user or buyer segment that is created to better understand and design for the needs, behaviors, and preferences of that group. Persona creation is common in fields like marketing, user experience (UX) design, and customer service. It’s especially useful in sales and marketing when it comes to […]

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  • Lead Conversion Starts with Signals – Use Fit Scoring or Lose Business!

    Identifying the best leads is essential for any company’s success as it helps focus resources and efforts on prospects most likely to become customers. In marketing, we have limited resources (employees, money, time) – we rarely have the ability to “spray and pray” with our sales & marketing efforts. Going at the wrong person before […]

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  • Relying on Intent Data Alone: More Harm than Good?

    leadspace b2b customer data platform

    Three out of four B2B sales and marketing teams rely on intent data to prioritize ABM outreach. Intent data is incredibly important as it provides insight into which companies are searching for you – i.e. which companies are demonstrating some level of intent to use your type of product (or specific product). While that’s useful […]

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  • Revenue Radar™: Finding the Right Buyers with Engagement Scores

    audience engagement

    Throughout this Revenue Radar blog series, we’ve discussed how to use Leadspace predictive AI models to determine the companies within your Total Addressable Market (TAM) who need your product (highest Fit scores), which of those companies are actually ready to buy your product (Intent scores), and which buyer Personas are best for you to pursue […]

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  • Revenue Radar™: Finding the Right Company Using Intent Scoring Models

    Leadspace intent model, customer data platform

    Finding the right type of companies within your TAM that need your product is a huge step towards closeable business, but you still need to figure out which of those companies are actually ready to buy your product – this is where intent comes into play. We can determine intent by a company’s search activities. […]

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