Leadspace MAPs: The Fast Fix for Your Unproductive CRM

Leadspace MAPS

Can our data keep up? That’s the question B2B sales and marketing operations executives need to ask when considering their often jumbled mess of static data. Pushing numerous siloed data sources into your CRM and Marketing Automation systems is par for the course, but the problems will stack up and compound over time. Odds are, your CRM is full of duplicates with poor fill rates – and your leads, contacts and accounts don’t map back to their corporate families or hierarchies. When someone changes jobs, your CRM won’t know about it and neither will you. Every year, the mess within your CRM is getting bigger.

The Three Questions to Ask

That’s no surprise. It takes a lot of siloed data to populate your CRM, procuring all these signals from numerous static data vendors gets expensive quickly, and blending it all together is brutally cumbersome, time-consuming and error-prone. Then keeping it up-to-date is extremely tedious and often neglected. We depend on our CRM, but when time kills all deals, we need to identify and reach the right people with highly personalized campaigns quickly. 

  • How can we get to the right companies and people when the data we rely on within our CRM is outdated, inaccurate, and incomplete? 
  • Isn’t this the only way to get to buying teams? The potential of a clean, complete and up-to-date CRM with organizational hierarchies is incredible, especially when it comes to planning territories/routing, and targeting the people that actually matter – the buying groups.
  • And if we could do all of this, can we afford it? 

Why Buying Teams?

These days, large B2B purchases are rarely carried out by a single person, instead the buying process generally involves multiple teams/people within an organization – from 7 to 25 depending on the deal complexity. How do we identify the right people to target when we don’t even understand their position in the buying process? This is why sales and marketers are looking at buying groups instead of job titles alone. The buying power and functions of any job title isn’t universal between different companies. In order to identify who the decision makers are at a company, we need to understand the hierarchical structure of the company and either know or take educated guesses on whether the person is in corporate or which division someone is in. Who is their domestic ultimate or what country do they operate in? Understanding the people, their expertise and their roles within the confines of their organization, subsidiaries and parent-child relationships is the first step to identifying and successfully penetrating a buying group. 

Unfortunately, getting all that information together for a true 360-degree view of your buyer and the company organizational structure in which they operate isn’t very feasible for most teams to do due to the complexities of data unification and maintenance. Such a feat requires so many resources that most companies won’t even attempt it because they don’t think it’s worth the cost. But imagine having a tool that automatically unifies all of your buyer data and pushes it into your CRM, then keeps it up-to-date – fully deduped, missing fields filled in, and hierarchies mapped. You could easily explore and understand your target account, discover the buying groups within them, consider all of their buying signals to personalize outreach, and activate campaigns using their contact information. Traditionally, the excuse for not having such a tool was fair – because it didn’t exist. Well, it does now.

A Jumpstart on Territory Planning 

Getting the most out of your CRM starts with cleaning it up, and that’s exactly what we’re here to help you do with Leadspace Market Automation Packs (MAPs). Specifically, it’s our Corporate Families MAP that tackles the issues surrounding your unproductive CRM. With Leadspace’s Corporate Families MAP, you can get a jump start on FY2025 territories planning and get fast relief on CRM routing errors. Leadspace will dedupe, enrich and optimize your CRM so you can visualize and explore your CRM against the 8M+ complex hierarchies in the world and organize your territories/TAM in a few easy steps for improved sizing/routing. You can achieve an easy to explore view of single sites, parent/child, domestics, and HQ/subsidiaries relationships across an organization. Leadspace MAPs leverage 30+ embedded B2B sources with 230M+ companies and 240M+ people to populate the profiles in your CRM and map their hierarchies. MAPs are sold as yearly subscriptions with quarterly updates, meaning that every quarter we’ll dedupe and enrich your data and hierarchy mapping again to ensure your CRM reflects changed jobs, mergers, acquisition and more.

Having hierarchies mapped within your CRM gives you the ability to understand organizational structure so you can identify:

  • Buying groups
  • Whitespace
  • Cross-Sell / Up-sell opportunities
  • Territory assignment equality
  • Accounts that belong to the same corporate entity
  • Instances of sales reps assigned to accounts within the same account hierarchy
  • The amount of business your company is doing within a set of accounts
  • Your largest customers by size, revenue, locations, etc.
  • Where (and where not) to focus resources

Then we’ll keep it up-to-date for a year per your subscription. With our B2B MAPs, you can arm sales and marketing teams with dynamic and unified buyer profiles to help them better visualize territories, campaign to the best-performing market segments, and convert sales whitespace by targeting accounts and personas with the highest revenue potential. The process is pretty simple – we’ll do most of the work. You’ll just need to run a report that exports your accounts. We’ll do the rest on the back end by cleaning it up and offering you the information on the members of the corporate families that you’re missing (DU, GU, sites, etc).

So, if you’re sick of being held back by the mess that gradually made its way into your CRM, schedule a meeting with us – it’s not too late to fix it. We’ll look into your existing process and get you started on the road to recovery ASAP – it all starts with hierarchies!

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