Premium Contact Profiles. Unbeatable Price.

Slash your data procurement cost and boost your pipeline. Prices starting $14.5K per month.

500K Profiles

10% Off

1M Profiles

20% Off

Most Popular!

2M Profiles

40% Off

5M Profiles

75% Off

All offers include
  • Contact profile enrichment tiers starting at: 500K, 1M, 2M, 5M
  • Unlimited company profiles enrichment
  • Standard library access of 80 personas
  • 30 intent topics included, weekly updates
  • Unlimited web technologies
  • 50 Installed base technologies
  • Studio access for segment discovery, enrichment, lookalikes and unification

Our customers have seen…

Profile UI
  • 2x lead-to-account matching
  • 75% annual cost savings
  • ABM team saves 66 hours per quarter
  • Processing and hygiene cost reductions of 30-70% annually
  • Better quality ABM target accounts
  • Cut data procurement costs in half

Leverage Leadspace Full Funnel Optimization Capability with

  • Profile Completeness, Profile Health & Segment Reports
  • Standard Persona Library for Profile Discovery and Scoring
  • Standard TAM & Intent Models (3rd Party)
  • Custom Persona Model
  • Custom Intent Model
  • Custom FIT Model
  • Connectors for Activation
  • Standard Connectors for CRM, MAP & Cloud Data Warehouse
  • Segment Creation from 1st & 3rd party data including CRM & MAP
  • Export Segments for activation in CRM, MAP and Ad platforms
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Jon Jagelsky
Marketing Operations Manager

“With Leadspace we’re confident we’re targeting the right prospects with the right offerings, throughout the Sales funnel.”