Considering Intent Data?

5 Things You Need to Know About Intent Data

Three out of four B2B sales and marketing teams rely on intent data to prioritize ABM outreach. Intent data is incredibly important as it provides insight into which companies are searching for you – i.e. which companies are demonstrating some level of intent to use your type of product (or specific product). While that’s useful information to have when trying to put the right type of content in front of the right companies, it simply doesn’t paint the full picture necessary to target deals in the B2B world. In fact, intent data can even point us in the wrong direction and inspire our sales people to confidently follow a rabbit hole that goes nowhere fast.

There’s a lot to know about intent data if we want to use it to its full potential. What is intent data? How is it used? What kind of problems exist? How do we maximize the return on our intent data? What kind of questions should we ask prospective intent data providers? In this Guide, we’ll explore how to use intent data effectively and avoid diving head-first into a pit of bad leads.

Download the guide to learn more.

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Shannon Copeland
Chief Operations Officer

“It significantly reduces the amount of data management work my team has to do every day. Previously we’d have to pull multiple lists from multiple different vendors for every single project, then dedupe, compare, verify, and so on. Now, we have a way to build our lists more effectively and efficiently, from a single source. It’s a huge change.”